Monday, August 18, 2008

New Computer

Lordy, I'm excited. I got myself a new computer yesterday. I have been using the same PC since 2002. My dad made it. I couldn't even surf the net with it anymore. It can't handle wi-fi. I really wanted to get a Mac, but I can't afford it. I caught a good deal, too. I saved more than $200, if the mail-in rebate comes through. They don't always, so I'm not holding my breath. Anyway, it should have no real effect on this blog, but I thought I'd share. I now must begin the arduous task of transferring all of my files and software to the new computer. Wish me luck.

On another note, I think I finished my first draft of the song I've been obsessively working on (see earlier post). I've sent it out to a select few, hoping to get some feedback. It needs to be edited a bit. I'll hopefully unleash it on all of you soon.

I give my new computer six flat-screen monitors and a laser mouse.

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